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2005.9-2009.6  湖南师范大学澳门新莆京7906not 理学学士

2009.9-2012.6  湖南师范大学澳门新莆京7906not 理学硕士

2012.9-2016.1  中国科学院上海有机化学研究所 理学博士


2016.1-2017.2  中国科学院上海有机化学研究所   助理研究员

2017.2-2021.5  美国得克萨斯大学西南医学中心药理系 博士后

2021.9-至今     澳门新葡官网进入澳门新莆京7906not   特聘教授





1.  Haishan Gao#* , Faxiang Li# , Zhejian Ji, Zhubing Shi, Yang Li, and Hongtao Yu*. Cryo-EM Structures of Human p97 Double Hexamer Capture Potentiated ATPase-competent State, submitted to Cell discovery

2.  Li F#, Li Y#, Ye X, Gao H, Shi Z, Luo X, Luke M. Rice2,3, Yu H*. Cryo-EM Structure of VASH1-SVBP Complex Bound to Microtubules, Elife 2020, 58157

3.  Li F, Hu Y, Qi S, Luo X*, Yu H*. Structural Basis of Tubulin Detyrosination by Vasohibins, Nature Structural & Molecular Biology. 2019, 26(7), 583-591

4.  Li F, Raczynska J, Chen Z, Yu H*. Structural Insight into DNA-dependent Activation of Human Metalloprotease Spartan, Cell Reports. 2019, 26(12), 3336-3346

5.  Li F, Xu D, Liu J, Wang Y, Cheng X, Guo Y, Gong Y, Hu S and Pan L*. Structural Basis of Ubiquitin Recognition by Autophagy Receptor Optineurin, Autophagy. 2018, 14(1), 66-79

6.  Li F, Xie X, Wang Y, Liu J, Cheng X, Guo Y, Gong Y, Hu S and Pan L*. Structural Insights into the Interaction and Disease Mechanism of Neurodegenerative Disease-associated Optineurin and TBK1 proteins, Nature Communications. 2016, 12708

7.  Xie X#, Li F#, Wang Y, Wang Y, Lin Z, Cheng X, Liu J, Chen C, Pan L.* Molecular Basis of Ubiquitin Recognition by Autophagy Receptor CALCOCO2, Autophagy. 2015, 10, 1775-1789

8.  Brulotte ML, Jeong BC, Li F, Li B, Yu EB, Wu Q, Brautigam CA, Yu H, Luo X*. Mechanistic Insight into TRIP13-catalyzed Mad2 Structural Transition and Spindle Checkpoint Silencing, Nature Communications. 2017, 1956

9.  Cheng X, Wang Y, Gong Y, Li F, Guo Y, Hu S, Liu J, Pan L.* Structural Basis of FYCO1 and MAP1LC3A Interaction Reveals a Novel Binding Mode for Atg8 Family Proteins, Autophagy. 2016, 5, 1-10